There are many different kinds of depression, but this post will focus on the 4 that commonly affect teens. They will be presented in order of severity: the least severe will be first and the most severe will be last. Remember-- it’s important to diagnose and treat depression early, or it could evolve into suicidal thoughts and/or actions.
Type 1: Adjustment Disorder
This type of depression occurs after a major change in a teen’s life. This change could be something like changing schools, an accident resulting in injury, or the death of a loved one. The symptoms include depressed thoughts, problems in social situations, or even sleeping problems. This type of depression generally only lasts for about six months. If the issue persists for longer than six months, it should be re-diagnosed. Some possible remedies for this kind of depression would be talk therapy.
Type 2: Dysthymia
This type of depression lasts for a year or a little over a year. 4 out of 100 teens are diagnosed with this on average. It is a low-grade chronic depression, but don’t let the “low-grade” part fool you. This kind of depression affects a teen’s ability to make decisions. Sleeping patterns can be disturbed, and eating disorders can develop. Other side effects can be problems with socializing, learning, and general functioning. Dysthymia can very negatively impact a teen’s life. Potential solutions are cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps teens' thoughts be more positive by engaging them in deep conversations about how certain events make them feel. In some cases, medication is also effective.
Type 3: Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder involves two distinct scenarios: feelings of depression and instances of mania or hypomania. During the manic instances, the teen might exhibit difficulty focusing, less need for sleep, risk-taking behavior, and fast talking. They also might act very silly. During the depression instances, the teen may feel hopeless and alone, showing many symptoms of other types of depression. These swings between two extreme emotions can greatly affect a teen’s ability to have relationships, learn, and function normally. Unfortunately, there is no cure for bipolar depression, but medication and therapy can make it less severe.
Type 4: Major Depression
This final type of depression is the most serious. It is estimated that 8 percent of teens have this disorder. As children, both genders have about equal rates of diagnosis; however, after puberty, girls are twice as likely to develop major depression. There is no clear cause. Teens experiencing major depression may attempt or talk about suicide and/or self-harm, and they will often speak of physical aches and pains as well. Many symptoms are also warning signs of suicide (see our article on Warning Signs to Take Note of). This kind of depression causes severe impairments in how a teen interacts with their environment. It can be treated by therapy and anti-depression medication.